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Water damage restoration

What Causes Sewage Backups in Homes and How to Handle Them

When sewer lines become obstructed, which prevents wastewater from flowing through drainage pipes, blockage can occur. The thickish black water that forms as sewage is a potential hazard and it contains contaminants and viruses that can present a risk of severe illness if exposed to humans or animals. If you have a sewage backup in your basement or home, you will need to fix it quickly. Knowing what causes sewer backups, however, can help you prevent a hazardous situation in your basement or home. Here’s some tips that you can take to prevent and handle sewage backups in your pipes: 

Sewage Backup Causes 

Clogs – Sewage can back up into your home when either your home’s drain pipes, or main sewer line becomes clogged. 

Tree Roots – Trees have the capability of growing long roots that can intertwine with your sewer line. Those roots can crush the sewer line by growing around it. Even if the roots in your yard are not the problem, roots from nearby trees can reach your sewer line and damage it. Check with your insurance carrier if this cause of loss is covered!

Damaged Sewer Lines – In the past, pipes were made of cast iron and clay piping which don’t last very long. Aging sewage systems can break down and crack, causing sewage backups and flooded basements. Plastic sewer lines have now become the norm. 

Heavy Rainfall – Can heavy rain cause sewer backup? Yes, large amounts of rain can overburden your city’s sewer lines. If the public sewer can’t handle excess rainfall, the water can make its way into connected sewer lines. This puts your home at risk of water backflows. 

How to Prevent a Sewage Backup 

Don’t pour grease down the drain. We’ve all done it once or twice, but cooking oil can harden within your pipes and can gradually stop debris from draining, which then creates a clog. There are multiple ways to properly dispose of grease or fat, but the easiest is to pour it into a heat-resistant container and throw it away in the trash after it cools off.

Dispose of paper products properly. Flushing hygiene products such as paper towels or feminine products down the toilet will easily clog your sewer line. Discard these products into the trash can and save yourself a little bit of sanity.

Sewage pump maintenance. The best option is to place it on a flat, steady brick and make sure there is a filter fabric around it. This will also make sure the debris won’t go into your sump pump.

What You Can Do If You Have a Sewer Backup 

Calling a professional restoration company, like Restoration 1 of Tulsa, is your best way to deal with sewage backup in your basement. However, here’s what you can do to mitigate the damage in your home before we arrive:

● Evacuate the flooded area! Sewage contaminants and byproducts are hazardous to you and your animals. 

Immediately turn off any electrical power sources! The water can potentially meet with the power source and that isn’t good for anyone. However, if you can’t safely get to the circuit breaker, don’t touch any electrical devices. 

● Before the restoration team arrives, make sure to wear protective clothing like a facemask, eyeglasses, gloves, and rubber boots before you attempt to walk through sewage water. 

● Notify your insurance company about the sewage backup. You will need to have purchased extra endorsements specifically for drains and sewers. 

Contact your municipal or county sewer department if your home is connected to a public sewer.

● Do not use the water supply system in your home until the backup problem is fixed. This includes not flushing toilets, draining tubs, or turning on sinks. 

● Open windows in your residence to allow fresh air in.

● If you have bleach on-hand, add some to the standing water to start disinfecting.

For Professional Sewage Cleanup, Call the Restoration 1 of Tulsa Water Damage Restoration Experts at 918-205-7764

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