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Don’t Panic! Tornado Preparedness Tips for Tulsa, Oklahoma

Alongside flooding and hurricanes, tornadoes are one of the most fearsome natural disasters known to man. These terrifying storms can strike at any moment, with little warning, and cause maximum devastation across a wide range of land. Any home or town that is unprepared may be faced with extreme amounts of destroyed property. But this year, before a tornado tears through your yard, you have a chance to prepare. These are expert tips and home preparation techniques that can save your home and family from true devastation.

Tornado Preparedness Tips

If you wait for a tornado to arrive, you’re already one step behind. To keep yourself and your family safe, not to mention your home and possessions, you must have a plan before any severe weather hits the region. These few tips on tornado preparedness can help you create the perfect plan.

  • Create a storm plan that includes where you and your family will go in the event of a severe tornado. If there is a nearby storm shelter, that should be your go-to spot.
  • If you cannot make it to a storm shelter, pick a safe room in the house where all family members and pets may gather for the duration of the tornado. A basement, storm cellar, or interior room without any windows is your best option.
  • Keep a working NOAA weather radio nearby, with extra batteries, to listen for storm updates and warnings.
  • Teach your family how to properly administer first aid, use a fire extinguisher, and shut off the water, gas, and electricity to your property.

We can offer the following helpful tip: keep an emergency storm kit in your storm shelter or safe room. This kit should include:

  • Water and canned or dried food – enough for three days per person – and a manual can opener.
  • Enough baby food and formula for the duration of your stay.
  • A battery-powered radio
  • Flashlight
  • Extra batteries for all electronics
  • Prescription medication
  • A first-aid kit

The Dangers of a Tornado

According to Ready, the public storm preparedness organization, tornadoes can reach an excess of 155 miles per hour. For a severe tornado, the wind speed can surpass even 200 miles per hour. These terrifying storms can occur anywhere and at any time but are most common in what is known as “Tornado Alley” through the Midwest.

When a tornado touches down, it scoops up any nearby debris and throws it like a torpedo. This flying debris is one of the most common causes of property damage from a tornado.

If you still endure property damage from a tornado after following these steps, contact your local Restoration 1 for storm recovery and emergency restoration services. Our certified, knowledgeable team is here day and night to assist you!

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